Is pursuing a higher education part of your long-term goals? We know that there might be some grey areas as to what supports and funding are available to help you in achieving this. Do not worry, we hear you and we got you covered. This article will explain briefly how the NDIS can support you and your UNI dreams.
The objective for supports in higher education is to assist participants to:
· learn new skills
· gain qualifications
· find a job
· retain employment
Aside from the mandatory eligibility criteria that the NDIA grants funding only when it is deemed reasonable and necessary, they also want to see whether these supports will really help you in achieving your goals. They will take a look into some considerations like will the course you have chosen linked to the goal/s you stipulated during the planning meeting, thus, clearly demonstrating how the course will benefit you will be vital in grant funding. Or will your course link you to better job opportunities? In the event that the grant will be funded, it is important to note that you have responsibilities as well like you have to maintain satisfactory progress and you should not be expelled due to grounds of misconduct.
As stated in the, the NDIS funds the following:
Self-care at school related to the student’s disability, like support with eating
Specialized training of teachers and other staff about the specific personal support needs of a student with a disability
Specialist transport required because of the student’s disability (does not substitute parental responsibility)
Transportable equipment such as a wheelchair or personal communication devices
Therapies a family and school have agreed may be delivered during school time but are not for educational purposes
Teachers, learning assistants, and other supports such as Auslan interpreters
General support, resources, and training for teachers, tutors, and other staff
Therapy delivered in schools for education or training purposes, such as allied health practitioners helping teachers and trainers adjust curriculums
Aids and equipment to make curriculums accessible, such as modified computer hardware, software, and Braille textbooks
Adjustments to buildings such as ramps, lifts, and hearing loops.
Transport for educational or training activities such as excursions, field trips, and sporting carnivals
Day-to-day supervision of students at school, including behavioral support
The NDIS however, will not fund the following:
Textbooks-although in some cases, if there are books/materials specially designed to assist you due to your disability, then NDIS may fund these
Tuition fees or student membership fees
Phone calls, photocopying, and meals
Your disability should never be a hindrance to achieving your goals in life. The NDIS has supports and funding that will best tailor-fit to your needs. If you feel that you need support for you to achieve your UNI dreams, make that action today and talk to your LAC or support coordinator to access the funding.
Do you have NDIS funding and in need of a reliable support worker to assist you in attending your UNI classes? Be Plan Managed with Yogi Care and access both NDIS registered and non-registered service providers.
