Does your disability limit you to perform essential house chores such as cleaning, vacuuming, and the likes? If your answer is yes, then most likely you may be granted funding. Home cleaning is under Core Supports budget – Assistance with daily Life category
Home cleaning can include daily or regular essential household tasks such as:
Mopping floors
Vacuuming floors
Dusting surfaces
Wiping surfaces
Kitchen cleaning including equipment
Bathroom cleaning
It is important to note though that in some cases wherein you are sharing the house with someone, you may only be able to claim funding only for e.g. your room cleaning, as the other parts of the house can be managed by the other tenants.
Finding a service provider
Some cleaning companies are registered NDIS providers while others are not as they are sole traders. Good thing if you are self-managed or plan-managed is that you will have choice and control in choosing which service provider will provide the work for you.
Some tips you might want to consider when dealing with a cleaning company:
Do some self-assessment- what are the things that you need help with, how do you want your personal things to be handled? are there special chemicals, equipment, or material you want them to use in cleaning your glass or window?
1. Be clear on the tasks you want the cleaner to complete
2. Ask how the staff will follow safety protocols especially during this time, are they well trained?
3. How many staff are you expecting
4. Check if they supply their own equipment and flag you them should you have a sensitivity to some chemicals that they will be using
5. Check if they are trustworthy by asking for evidence of a police check, working with children’s check, and ABN. You may also check their social media accounts to check customer reviews
6. Review the Service Agreement to ensure you know what to expect.
You may also opt to do your own cleaning most especially if one of your goals is to be able to independently clean your own house, in this case, the funding will fall under the Capacity Building budget.
If you want to learn more on how to get the funding, talk to your LAC or support coordinator to know the things you need to do.
Do you have NDIS funding and in need of a reliable home cleaner? Get Plan Managed with Yogi Care and access both NDIS-registered and non-registered service providers.
