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Home and Living Supports from NDIS


NDIS supports participants towards being independent and one of those can be funded under the many options in Home and Living Supports. To be more specific about it, these funding are aimed to

1.Help build capacity to achieve independent living ,life skills ,financial management , behavioral management

2.Make home modifications to either the participant’s home ,rental property or social housing

3. Support system with personal care

4.Home assistance for tasks that participants cannot perform due to disability

It is important to note that NDIS participants are still responsible to pay for day-to-day living costs including rent, groceries, utilities and household items. Though under limited circumstances NDIS may grant the cost of some of the mentioned items.

Who may require home and living supports?

*Participants whose current living arrangement is no longer tailored fit due to their disability-related needs.

  • Participants who are having challenges in terms of performing day to day activities or accessing facilities like bathroom, kitchen, toilet.

  • Participants who require specialist home and living solutions.

  • Participants who’s quality of life will significantly improved by moving to alternative suitable accommodation or accessing additional support.

  • Participants who are currently in health care facilities who are unable to return to their residence or accommodation setting safely upon discharge.

  • Participants who are currently living in any other accommodation that is temporary, unsafe or unsuitable and mainstream services / community supports are unable to provide a suitable alternative due to the participants disability related needs.

Below are the list of the different Home and Living Supports:

1.Assitsance with Daily Life- is assistance or supervision in terms of day to day tasks .Service can be delivered in different forms of environments including home.

2. Home Modifications-any home modification required in order to tailor fit the participant’s existing needs.

3.Independent Living Options- is a support that allows participant to choose the home, set up supports, how the participant wants to live, where to live and who he/she lives with. ILO’s are funded in two parts :The first stage is setting up of supports that the participant needs and second part is funding to put those supports in place.

4.Support Independent Living- assistance or supervision with daily tasks while building the participant’s skills like personal care, cooking meals.This is most used in a common living arrangement.

5.Short Term Accommodation- this includes respite and is designed for support and accommodation for a short duration. It covers the cost of the participants care in another place for up to 14 days.

6. Medium Term Accommodation- is a support that gives the participant somewhere to live during the transition phase while waiting for a long term housing solution. NDIS will only fund it up to 90 days.

7.Assistive Technology-is a support allocated for the equipment that the participant needs to help with everyday tasks

8.Specialist Disability Accommodation-is range of housing support for participants with high complexity needs.

9.SDA Vacancy Matching Platforms- helps the participant search for accommodation vacancies that match their specific requirements.

There are variety of home and supports offered by the NDIS and just like any other funding, it requires process and approval. It is always best to discuss your plans with your LAC

or Support Coordinator so that things will be easier for you.



Yogi Care | NDIS Plan Management

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