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Disability Employment Options


If part of your long-term goal is to get a job, well here's good news for you! There are a lot of supports made available for you. If you already have a job in mind, talk to your LAC ,NDIS Planner or your Support Coordinator. They will surely connect you to the Disability Employment Services or DES . This group is the main helpline for people with disabilities looking for work and they can offer the following support: career advice, employment preparation like resume development ,hone interview skills, job searching and can even make direct contact to employers to find suitable role/s for you. It is important to note that there are 2 types of DES program : 1. DES Disability Management Service ( DES-DMS)- which is for jobseekers with disability ,injury or health condition who need to find a job and occasional support to keep a job. 2. DES Employment Support Services ( DES-ESS) - which provides assistance to jobseekers with permanent disability. Another support is the School Leaver Employment Supports or SLES- this funding is for people with disabilities leaving school. This support is intended for building their skills, confidence and any areas which need to develop. What is good about it is that this funding covers up to 2 years. The last support is the Australian Disability Enterprises and Social Enterprises or ADE's- this is a range of employment opportunities for people suffering from moderate to high support needs, to find out ADEs in your area you may log in via

Speaking of support, Yogi Care NDIS Plan Management is here to support you manage your NDIS funding. Our team consists of experts in financial management and we can very well attend to your questions and needs. Call us today and let us discuss how we can support you achieve your goals.



Yogi Care | NDIS Plan Management

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1/398 Payneham Road, Glynde SA 5070

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