For a person living with a disability it is important to gain acc

ess with funding and tailored fit supports and services in order to achieve his/ her goals towards living independently . Another crucial factor is also networking with other individuals, groups and communities which advocate for people with disabilities. This article will highlight some of Australia’s disability-centred organisations which aim to support not only people with disabilities but also for families, friends and carers.
Belonging Matters
Is a disability resource which focuses in social inclusion and belonging. It has a wide array of resources which inspire, provide knowledge and develop skills for people with disabilities including their families and carers. The organisation provides services like building community networks, consultation services, educational services events and conferences.
My Disability Matters Club
Focuses in improving the lives of people with disabilities through the digital platform. It is an online community wherein individuals with disabilities, their families and carers can freely share their stories and challenges.
First People’s Disability Network Australia
Supports Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with disabilities ,their families and the community they belong to. Its aim is to promote respect for human rights and equality.
Art Access Australia
Advocates in providing information, advice, resources and opportunities for Australian artists with disabilities.
Supports people with disabilities by providing services like in-home support, therapy, employment, education and trainings.
Able Australia
Able is a not-for-profit organisation offering a broad range of services like Supported Independent Living, Community Participation, Deafblind services, day and community programs.
It is worth knowing and reassuring that there are a lot of organizations and community support groups which provide opportunities for people with disabilities, their families and carers. Do you want to know more about other support groups for you and your loved ones? Browse through our blogs and learn more about these organisations.
Do you have NDIS plan and in need of reliable service providers? Be Plan Managed with Yogi Care and access both NDIS registered and non-registered service providers. Allow us to help you so that you can focus on what’s important to you.