The NDIS is a great avenue to make impact in the disability sector. Whether you are passionate about finances, taking care of someone or about cleaning and beautifying homes,NDIS has a wide array of services for people with disabilities where you can fit it. To simply put, service providers are the ones who deliver support services in order to help NDIS participants achieve their goals. Service providers may or may not be NDIS registered.
To assess if whether or not being a service provider is for you , try to see if you can tick off the checklist below :
1.Do I understand the goals of the NDIS and how my services greatly impact the actualization of the participant’s goals? -part of knowing the goals of the NDIS is also to know the people you will be working with aside from the participants, they are plan managers, support coordinators and the partners in the community -Local Area Coordinators and Early Childhood Early Intervention partners.
2.Are my supports and services NDIS funded? Am I aware of the supports and services which are not funded by the NDIS?
Below Are the 15 support categories that are funded by the NDIS. Each support category is made up of many supports and services which are referred to as line items.
Assistance with Daily Life
Assistance with Social & Community Participation
Assistive Technology
Home Modifications
Coordination of Supports
Improved Living Arrangements
Increased Social and Community Participation
Finding and Keeping a Job
Improved Relationships
Improved Health and Wellbeing
Improved Learning
Improved Life Choices
Improved Daily Living
3.Do I understand the benefits of being a registered service provider?
As a potential service provider , you have the option to choose whether or not you will become an NDIS registered provider or not. Both are allowed to provide service to NDIS participants, and the latter does not mean that you have a low quality of service. What’s in it for you and your business if you become a registered NDIS service provider?
You will be able to connect with participants even those who are NDIA managed.
You can leverage your service as being a registered provider.
Your company and the services you offer will be included in the NDIS Provider Finder tool in the myplace provider portal.
You can access the myplace provider portal, including tools to manage your service bookings ,fast payment processing,tools and resources you can use to train your staff and access to supplementary training modules from the NDIS Commission.
4.Do I understand the expectations of the participants from me and my business?
5. Do I meet or Can I meet the requirements needed for me to become an NDIS provider? As of December 1 2020 all NDIS providers must register through the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission. This includes the registration and renewal of service providers.
6. Am I aware how much I will I be paid for every service rendered?
A service provider is also expected to learn about service agreements and manage service bookings.
Being a service provider yields more than a transactional relationship but rather a deeper relationship with your clients. It is not just a mastery of the service you provide but also the love and patience it entails to exude excellent customer service to your clients. You do not just exist to make business, but rather to create positive impact to the lives of the participants.
